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How to increase Alexa Rank

Greetings bloggers, on kesempatakan this time I will write an article on how to easily increase alexa alexa ranking blogs, the way that I apply my experience this is to increase the Alexa rank. without further ado immediately wrote to the subject. 
  1. Alexa Plug your browser toolbar, both internet explorer and mozilla firefox. fortunately please install ithere .
  2. Make a post about alexa, alexa widgets such as a tutorial to install, install the Alexa toolbar.
  3. Diligent, industrious was blog walking to other blogs as well as commented by using alexa redirect URL of your blog, example alexa redirect URL of the blog: A replace the red with the url bog buddy.
  4. Submit your blog article to the blog directories, such as traffic news, digg, etc. and promote it to social networking sites like facebook, twitter and so on.
  5. Was frequently posting updates every day, because quite helpful to raise the Alexa rank.
Maybe it wrote sob that I can convey. if my friend had other ways to increase alexa rank please add in the comments box below. hopefully this post can be useful for bloggers.

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9 komentar:

Mantap Sob aRtikelnya ...!

Thsnk you i like it..:)

nice gan cuman mau nambahin alexa toll skrg uda bisa d masukin d chrome ama new flock
thx be4

wah bagus sekali ini sob artikelnya..

w ga ngeti bahasa inggris bos :((

nice info buat pemula kayak saya :)

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