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Iobit Game Booster 3.0 Beta 1.0

Game Booster update the latest version again, which I obit Game Booster 3.0 Beta 1.0, the latest version is a lot of changes in appearance and also improved from previous versions. 

IObit Game Booster is an application that is designed to improve the performance of our computer use in playing the game booster game.Dengan bloggers do not need this setting to get a good performance in game play.Bloggers just need to click, and feel his own distinction.

Features «Iobit Game Booster» :
  • Ease of use
  • Clear memory, the temporary suspension of the background processes and improve processor performance
  • Automatic and manual modes
  • Convenient multi-language interface
Its main advantages are:
  • One click
  • Game Booster is extremely easy to use. The intuitive interface makes the Game Booster perfect tool for novice users running on a single click.
Speeds up game
  • Game Booster is allocating more CPU power and RAM for your games, that enables your games to operate at peak performance vozmzmozhnoy.
Defrag game files
  • With improved engine, Game Booster can quickly defragment files and directories games to your games load quickly and work with than ever.
Increased stability of the game
  • Game Booster prevents and helps to avoid potential conflicts and incompatibilities of the temporary closure of the background processes and unnecessary services Windows.
Safe, Secure and Free
  • Game Booster accelerates your computer hardware does not does not change the Windows registry and system settings.
Fine Tune-Up Game new settings!
  • Fine-tuning mouse, keyboard, and specialized game controllers with ease.
  • Intuitive and friendly interface.

Password : se-dot

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11 komentar:

wah.. mau juga dunk nyedot....

ada Award untuk agan, silahkan diambil jika berkenan >>

Salam blogger!!

Siiip gan, ane cek dulu ya?

Keep Posting gan ... nice share

full g gan ni software...mantap...

@anonim udah full bro tanpa menggunakan serial dan sebagainya

Thanks for sharing.
From the past three my gaming ping was too high.So my game speed also slow.
One of my friends suggest try Game Booster to reduce gaming ping.So i downloaded this game booster and i played my game lag free.I checked my gaming whether it's low or high after used this game booster or not by

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