Abis home from direct farewell post, the discussion this time I will share the game that I think fits with Gundam fans, the game is called Ultimate Knight Windom X P, for those who want mendownlad immediately wrote down,,.
Minimum System Requirements :
- Microsoft Windows XP/Vista Operating System :
- 64 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible Video Card. GeForce or Radeon graphics card recommended.
- Anything other than the items listed above may result in noticeable slowdown.
- In order to use the shader function (HDR/Shadows) your video card must support Pixel Shaders 2.0 or greater. If you have a video card that does not support it, you can turn the shader function off in the game’s setup screen and play without HDR or shadow effects.
- Intel Pentium 4 1.4 GHz or higher processor
- 512 MB of available system memory (1 GB for Vista)
- 550 MB of available hard drive space
- Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or better
- NET Framework 2.0 or greater. (Please download this free software from the internet and install it on your computer.)
- DirectX 8 or greater compatible Sound Card
- Keyboard, Mouse
Download Via Mengupload :
Download Via Mediafire :
Download Tools :
- Download The Sims 3: Pets
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011/ENG/RIP)
- Iobit Game Booster 3.1 Final
- Real Warfare 1242 - SKIDROW
- Stronghold 3 (PC/RIP/ENG)
- Battlefield 3 (PC/REPACK/ENG)
- Global Ops: Commando Libya (Repack)
- Terminator 3 War Of The Machines (2006/MULTI2/RiP)
- Tanker Truck Simulator 2011 (Full ISO/2011)
- Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (2008/ENG/RIP by Team CrossFirE)
- 3D Hunting
- Iobit Game Booster 3.0 Beta 1.0
- Alien Shooter 2 - Reloader v.1.2
- Plants Vs Zombies
- World Of Goo
- 7 Sins Full | 18 Tahun Keatas
- Police Simulator - Version 820 (2010)
- Mass Effect 2 Via uTorrent
- Iron Man (RIP)
- Farm Tribe
- MotoGP 3: Ultimate Racing Technology
- Harry Potter And Deathly Hallow Part 1
6 komentar:
berat gak nih gan???
kalo berat pake game booster aja mas, kalo mau download silahkan ke sini http://se-dot.blogspot.com/2011/03/lobit-game-booster-premium-23-full-key.html
mantap nih blog, thank ya
btw games2 nya di tambah lagi ya, alnya aku lg pengen downlod-in game nih.
maju terus pantang mundur
gimana cara instalnya nih gan bahasanya koc aneh ya.. tolong di bantu makasih...
keren bgt gamenya gan....
thanks buat gamenya,,,,
sukses terus....
trainernya gk aktif ni mohon pencerahanya dong
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