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Iobit Game Booster 3.1 Final

Iobit Game Booster 3.1 Final - a powerful utility that will configure your computer for maximum performance in games, by optimization of many parameters of the operating systems Windows. A combination of several options to optimize (defragment the RAM and hard disk diagnostics configuration DirectX, etc.) will help unlock the full potential of your computer. In the arsenal of any experienced gamer can detect a huge number of tools that can improve performance gaming PC. Many of these applications do not involve "acceleration" of the hardware components and provide a performance boost by the release of system resources and optimize your OS. Game Booster can add a specified collection of useful programs.

Manufacturers point out that Game Booster is not a tool for "overclocking", does not make any modifications to the registry, Windows, and does not assume responsibility for changing settings sistemy.Pri utility Game Booster you can just before starting the game with one mouse click off a number of unnecessary system services Windows, do a quick cleanup of memory RAM, as well as complete the programs running in the background, free system resources directly at the time in which you are going to play the game. Game Booster boasts an extremely simple and intuitive user interface, which enables to take all the measures envisaged at the touch of a button. Despite the fact that the tool was originally developed for the gaming audience, it may be equally useful in some cases, have no connection with computer games. Users can use this utility to complete the background process when you run any demanding applications.

  • Optimized game list and fixed auto losing game in gamebox. 
  • Added "Delete" game in Gamebox and Defrag module. 
  • Added "Recommended games" in Gamebox. 
  • Added "Like it" and "Tell a friend". 
  • Added "Rename" game in Gamebox. 
  • Fixed the problem of jumping to main screen while maximizing vice screen. 
  • Fixed lowering process priority of Steam game result from selecting "Lower process priority". 
  • Updated language files. 
Download | Iobit Game Booster 3.1 Final

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19 komentar:

Amazing artikel…. Semoga saya bisa praktekan tipsnya dan berhasil

Terima Kasih, Tulisan yang sangat membantu. Salam Sukses!

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Menarik, sangat Menarik Artikel dan Tipsnya. boleh dicoba. salam sukses

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Artikel Menarik terutama Infonya, boleh dicoba. Salam sukses

Saya senang setelah membaca Tips dan Artikelnya, harus dicoba.Semoga berhasil

Makin mempercepat ngegame nih.

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mantab sob udah share..

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salam kenal dan semoga sukses selalu.

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