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Third Award

Well, get another award from belajarkomputer77 , by receiving this award I will share them with friends of the SE-DOT visit often and provide motivation to me. belajarkomputer77 make me say thank you, and as my duty to pass this award to anyone else, especially my friends who often help. 

When among friends who get the award from me, consider this award as friendships. this award from my friend who got me:

  1. Dieza-eza
  2. Ozy-WEB
  3. Banndit-XP
  4. Zellic Softwares
  5. Zonakuerror
  • For the friends who received the Award shall give utterance Thank you for saying thank you is very precious and more valuable than the gold prize.
  • For the friends are also obliged to Follow and install the Link / Banner Buddy blog that provides Award.
  • My friend who received this Award shall provide to the Companions who always gives a drop of his comments.
  • This award is boundless sapa must accept because every blog is not the same amount that is always present and memberiakan drop a comment.
  • For the friends obliged to comment below before taking the Award.

Anda sedang membaca artikel tentang Third Award dan anda bisa menemukan artikel Third Award ini dengan url, anda boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika artikel Third Award ini sangat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman anda, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link Third Award sumbernya.

7 komentar:

haha.. makasih sobat.. makasih dan sangat sangat berterimakasih untuk awardnya... my 1st award ni..
haha.. senengnya.. :))

assalammualaikum...terimakasih buat awardnya..semoga selalu sukses di setiap urusan...

Selamat Buat yang dah mendapatkan awardnya ya..... ^_^

wah kapan ya blog saya dapat award ?

hahaha , nnti jga bakal dapat kok :p

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