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Award Blogwalking

Blogwalking is a complex activity, including visits in one blog to another blog, read posts by other bloggers and leave a greeting on the shoutbox or comment on these papers have been read. 

Indeed, this Award bukang special award but I think it could motivate a blogger friend who will get this award for frequent blogwalking to other blogs. 

If bloggers want to get this award is often blogwalking to this blog and do not forget lef footprint in the comment box,, Regard SE-DOT

Anda sedang membaca artikel tentang Award Blogwalking dan anda bisa menemukan artikel Award Blogwalking ini dengan url, anda boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika artikel Award Blogwalking ini sangat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman anda, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link Award Blogwalking sumbernya.

4 komentar:

mantap gan !!!!

mudah2an aja dapat gan !!

tapi blognya agan ndak isi guest book gan !!

cara absennya nanti bagaimana ???


kalo gitu pakde kagak ninggalin komentar dah he he he...

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