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Chat Box Important for Your Blog?

Important Chat Box presence or absence of a blog depends on who is judging because every blogger certainly has its own reasons, many bloggers are bertanggapan that the widget is important, and some may say this widget is not important, in my own chatbox is a widget that is not important , why? because it can aggravate loading widget blog, a link that we lef also not be indexed by google. nah, if you want better blogwalking ninggalin dikomentar trail, because the comment has an important role in raising the ranking of the blog because we lef links indexed by google. 

Widgets plus it has a negative impact for blogs that already installed Google Adsense, I often find there chatbox about some of the words $ $, hackers and so on which a breach of the TOS by the GA,

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11 komentar:

wahh. blognya keren gan ... ane suka template nya

oh gi2 yah gan, baru tau nih, thanks banget sob infonya....!!!

@ISAl sama-sama sob emang udah seharusnya saya ngasih info yang berguna :D

wah intruksi,cbox sangat penting memang tapi memberatkan blog.tapi yang lebih ringan itu pake shout mix

@trisna kita tunggu aja pendapat yang lain

blognya agan ndak make CBOX ?

@dode gak bro , menurut saya gak terlalu guna

@Kalo Menurut Saya sih Masi penting ya!!!

anyway make or not smuanya tetap oke. asal blogya bisa dibaca... (kelihatan maksudnya) hehhee just kidding...btw tks infonya gan ;)

@agung pendapat orang beda"
@obet sama" gan

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